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Connecting retail with creative intelligence

Generation Z

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  • Client: Profitect

  • Sector: Customer experienceEcommerceMarketingPeople/cultureStoresTechnology


Profitect partnered with RWRC Connect on a brand awareness campaign to highlight its expertise in prescriptive analytics.

Profitect wanted to target RWRC Connect’s c-suite audience and create a campaign relevant to the UK market and globally.


Generation Z: the shopping and work habits of retail’s chief disruptors

  • A digital lead-generation campaign containing a data-led report with exclusive consumer research and case studies from the UK, USA and Canada
  • Cross-channel teaser content in digital and print
  • Social content across Twitter (100,000+ followers), LinkedIn and Facebook
  • Digital and print advertising across Retail Week

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Access the full Profitect report today.

Download report

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